
9 results were found for


  • 1. Practical information

    excursion to the north of Reykjavík by bus. We leave from the Grand Hotel at 17:00 UTC and drive to Borgarnes. There we will see two exhibitions which will tell us about the Icelandic Saga and the Vikings at Landnámssetur. After the exhibitions we can take a walk in Borgarnes. We have to be back to Landnámssetur at 20:00 UTC where we will have a nice Icelandic dinner-buffet at the resturant /nonam/workshop/information/
  • 2. „We need to control our footprint on mother Earth“

    and water, „we are the only country with the word „ice“ in its name. I welcome you all, in particular those who have come from abroad. I hope you have a nice time here in Iceland. I hope you will feel the warmth here – even though there is little or no volcanic activity going on as we speak, and even though we worry about a warming world. There is good warmth and there is bad warmth“ Mr /about-imo/news/we-need-to-control-our-footprint-on-mother-earth
  • 3. Publications

    & Jónsdóttir, J. F. (2003). Climate and energy (CE) 2003-2006. Orka, nyhetsbrev for nordisk energiforskning, . [Article] Snorrason, Á., & Jónsdóttir, J. F. (2003). Climate, water and energy in the Nordic countries. Presented at the EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice, France, April 6-11. Geophysical research abstracts. EAE03-A-10389. [Abstract] Snorrason, Á., & Jónsdóttir, J. F. (2003). Climate, water /climatology/research/ce/publications/
  • 4. 2011_005

    and a short description for each network. Table 1. The CGPS sub-networks. Network name Short background CHIL University of Iceland, University of Arizona, and IMO Hekla Penn State University and IMO ISGPS IMO and foreign associates NICE ETH, Zürich and IMO Savoie University of Savoie and IMO Semi-CGPS University of Iceland, University of Savoie, and IMO 1.6 Other networks Table 2 /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2011/2011_005.pdf
  • 5. Bárðarbunga 2014 - August events

    stations and the web camera installed in the area by Mila has showed some nice pictures of the eruption. It is a small fissure eruption and at 02:40 AM the activity appears to have decreased. 28 August 2014 18:14 - from geoscientist on duty Since midnight over 1100 earthquakes have been detected by the automatic system. The dyke does not appear to have migrated further north since noon. The main /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3000
  • 6. Bardarbunga-2014_August-events

    with the current event. 29 August 2014 02:45 - An eruption north of Dyngjujökull An eruption started in Holuhraun north of Dyngjujökull at around 00:02. Seismic tremor was observed on all seismic stations and the web camera installed in the area by Mila has showed some nice pictures of the eruption. It is a small fissure eruption and at 02:40 AM the activity appears to have decreased. 28 August 2014 /media/jar/Bardarbunga-2014_August-events.pdf
  • 7. Bárðarbunga 2014 - August events

    stations and the web camera installed in the area by Mila has showed some nice pictures of the eruption. It is a small fissure eruption and at 02:40 AM the activity appears to have decreased. 28 August 2014 18:14 - from geoscientist on duty Since midnight over 1100 earthquakes have been detected by the automatic system. The dyke does not appear to have migrated further north since noon. The main /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3000/
  • 8. 2010_012rs

  • 9. VanderKeur_etal-2008-Uncertainty_IWRM-WARM

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