
81 results were found for v 목포노래방✶“〕▽목포셔츠룸 목포한잔해♜목포나이트✑목포2부가게♕목포노래방.


  • 1. Isskyrsla_20100116

    Reykjavík 16. janúar 2010. Til: Veðurstofu Íslands. Frá: Landhelgisgæslu Íslands. Efni: Hafískönnun 16. janúar 2010. Laugardaginn 16. janúar 2010 fór þyrla landhelgisgæslunar TF-EIR í gæslu og ískönnunarflug. Var flogið norður Húnaflóann og fyrir vestfirðina. Einn stakur ísjaki sást í Húnaflóanum á stað : 66°12,7‘N – 21°16,3‘V Komið var að ísröndinni út af Húnaflóa og henni fylgt til vesturs um /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/Isskyrsla_20100116_rett.pdf
  • 2. Isskyrsla_06Jan_2010

    lágu frá aðal ísnum og náðum að meta þéttleikann þar. Ekki sáust neinir borgarísjakar né stakir ísjakar í þessu flugi. Aðalrönd íssins lá í gegnum eftirtalda punkta (tekið með radar). Að sjá var ísinn samfrosta 10/10 1. 66°13,7‘N – 025°35,7‘V 2. 66°24,0‘N – 024°26.0‘V 3. 66°50,1‘N – 023°44,1‘V 4. 67°03,1‘N – 023°31,0‘V 5. 67°00,7‘N – 023°11,3‘V 6. 66°58,7‘N – 022°39,7‘V 7. 66°55,8‘N – 022°23,5‘V /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/Isskyrsla_06Jan_2010.pdf
  • 3. Group5-Stakeholders_involvement

    /EPP 2 Stakeholders analysis 26 August 2011 PM/YZ/EPP 3 Stake h o l d e r s P u b l i c / p r i v at e P o w e r l e v e l (“ n u i s an ce” ca p a c i t y ) O r i e n tat i o n H or s t e n s m uni c ipal i t y ( c o m pe t e n t a u t h ori t y ) P u b l i c S t ron g Go v ernanc e N eighbour mun i c i p ali t y P u b l i c S t ron g Go v ernanc e Poli c y /media/loftslag/Group5-Stakeholders_involvement.pdf
  • 4. Sea ice in August 2009

    in the period 6th to the 22nd, eight from ships and one from land. The icebergs were closest to land at 66°28,81'N og 21°23,86'V and close to Selsker (66°07,5N og 21°31'V). No seaice was in the Greenland Strait in August and northeasterly winds prevailed in the area /sea-ice/monthly/2009/nr/2330
  • 5. Staff members

    Staff members Þorsteinn V. Jónsson Job title: Meteorologist Email /about-imo/employees/persona/85/fyrirtaeki/2
  • 6. Avalanche bulletin - Eastfjords

    /* Áttaviti */ .attaviti { /* width: 277px; height: 300px; */ width: 80px; height: 95px; } .directions .n, .directions .na, .directions .a, .directions .sa, .directions .s, .directions .sv, .directions .v, .directions .nv { fill: #BDD7EE; } .n-active /avalanches/forecast/east_fjords
  • 7. Avalanche bulletin - Northern Westfjords

    /* Áttaviti */ .attaviti { /* width: 277px; height: 300px; */ width: 80px; height: 95px; } .directions .n, .directions .na, .directions .a, .directions .sa, .directions .s, .directions .sv, .directions .v, .directions .nv { fill: #BDD7EE; } .n-active /avalanches/forecast/northern_westfjords
  • 8. Avalanche bulletin - Southwest corner

    /* Áttaviti */ .attaviti { /* width: 277px; height: 300px; */ width: 80px; height: 95px; } .directions .n, .directions .na, .directions .a, .directions .sa, .directions .s, .directions .sv, .directions .v, .directions .nv { fill: #BDD7EE; } .n-active /avalanches/forecast/southwest_corner
  • 9. Avalanche bulletin - Eastfjords

    /* Áttaviti */ .attaviti { /* width: 277px; height: 300px; */ width: 80px; height: 95px; } .directions .n, .directions .na, .directions .a, .directions .sa, .directions .s, .directions .sv, .directions .v, .directions .nv { fill: #BDD7EE; } .n-active /avalanches/forecast/east_fjords/
  • 10. Avalanche bulletin - Northern Westfjords

    /* Áttaviti */ .attaviti { /* width: 277px; height: 300px; */ width: 80px; height: 95px; } .directions .n, .directions .na, .directions .a, .directions .sa, .directions .s, .directions .sv, .directions .v, .directions .nv { fill: #BDD7EE; } .n-active /avalanches/forecast/northern_westfjords/

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