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  • 1. Travel information

    to several times a day with the the airlines Icelandair, WOW air, and Scandinavian Airlines. Icelandair offers flights to Iceland from several American cities. Prices can be compared at dohop search engine, which may offer additional airlines. There are frequent bus connections to the main bus terminal in Reykjavík, see map. The bus trip takes less than an hour. Most aircraft land in the morning /lidar/lidar-2013/travel-info/
  • 2. Staff members

    Email: gs (hjá) Division: Infrastructure Divsion Hydrological observation networks. Search Search /about-imo/employees/persona/126/fyrirtaeki/2
  • 3. Pollution

    lighthouse was built in 1906. At first it burnt oil, in 1943 a gasoline engine supplied some electricity, in 1957 a diesel engine supplied enough electricity but needed great attendance and finally in 1979 the lighthouse received electricity from the mains. Óskar at Stórhöfði Figure 1. Óskar J. Sigurðsson at Stórhöfði in July 2001. © Jóhanna Margrét Thorlacius. Back to top /pollution-and-radiation/pollution/
  • 4. Sea ice in September 2011

    of Straumnes observed an iceberg 2-3 nm north of that location. Two observations were received from aircraft, on the 9th and 10th September. On the 13th, an observation was received from ship on icebergs in the following locations: 67°06.5N 026°43.5W 67°21.5N 026°21.8W 67°18.7N 026°12.2W 67°28.4N 026°40.5W 67°29.2N 026°53.4W 67°36.0N 026°35.7W 67°33.6N 025°49.9W Further observations /sea-ice/monthly/2011/nr/2405
  • 5. Supercomputer in Iceland

    are redundant all throughout UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) and emergency diesel engine in place to keep infrastructure and supercomputer running even during a prolonged power outage Due to the supercomputer-friendly climate of Iceland, the potential for free cooling almost entirely eliminates the use of mechanical cooling The network Communication uses the national research networks /about-imo/news/nr/3309
  • 6. Sea-ice observations last 30 days

    Sea-ice observations last 30 days Navtex message ICE REPORT 30 04 2023 AT 12:20 UTC SEA ICE OBSERVATION FROM A SHIP ICE STRIP 3 NM LONG AT 67:46.6N, 20:00.08W TO 67:46.4N, 19:51.0W EASILY SEEN IN RADAR ANOTHER STRIP VISIBLE NORTH /sea-ice/navtex
  • 7. Sea-ice observations last 30 days

    Sea-ice observations last 30 days Navtex message ICE REPORT 30 04 2023 AT 12:20 UTC SEA ICE OBSERVATION FROM A SHIP ICE STRIP 3 NM LONG AT 67:46.6N, 20:00.08W TO 67:46.4N, 19:51.0W EASILY SEEN IN RADAR ANOTHER STRIP VISIBLE NORTH /sea-ice/navtex/
  • 8. Volcanic plumes and tephra

    cloud can reach the altitudes of air traffic routes and threaten the safety of aircrafts. If an airplane flies through a volcanic cloud, the volcanic ash can reduce significantly the visibility and damage airframes, especially aero-engines. This might imply loss of operability, reduction of engine performance and reduced component lifetime. The entity of the damage is function of several /volcanoes/volcanic-hazards/volcanic-emissions/
  • 9. Sea ice in August 2011

    observed four icebergs on the 18th in the following locations: 66°41.7N 026°12.1W 66°50.0N 025°44.0W 67°06.0N 025°19.0W 67°09.0N 025°29.0W On the Greenland Strait northeasterlies were predominant but a few days late in the month had southwesterly wind directions /sea-ice/monthly/2011/nr/2404
  • 10. Sea ice in May 2010

    An ice edge was observed in the area from 67°31'N and 023°35'W to 66°41'N and 23°43'W. Westerlies were a little more prevailing in the Greenland Strait and north of Iceland than on average /sea-ice/monthly/2010/nr/2340

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