VONA message


Time: 18. Mar 2024, 12:45 GMT

Color code:  Orange 

Volcano id: 371020

Activity summary:
The effusive eruption that started at 20:23 UTC on Saturday night (16 March) continues. The activity overall has decreased during the first day of the eruption and it is now pretty stable in releasing lava and gas from a 500-m long fissure. The active fissure is roughly located in the median part of the original opening. High concentrations of volcanic SO2 have been measured in several locations NW of the peninsula in the past 24 hours.

Cloud height:
No ash is detected

Other cloud information:
The volcanic plume height is still confined within few km. No ash is detected.

Gas dispersal forecast is accessible here: https://en.vedur.is/volcanoes/fagradalsfjall-eruption/volcanic-gases/ The latest hazard map is accessible here: https://en.vedur.is/volcanoes/fagradalsfjall-eruption/hazard-map/ The latest news is accessible here: https://en.vedur.is/about-imo/news/volcanic-unrest-grindavik

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