VONA message


Time: 25. Jun 2024, 14:10 GMT

Color code:  Yellow 

Volcano id: 371020

Activity summary:
The eruption that began in the Sundhnúksgígaröð series on May 29 has ceased, with no activity observed in the crater since June 22. The latest measurement of SO2 flux was done on friday 21 June and it showed very low values of about 1 kg/s. Approximately ten days after the eruption began, ground uplift in Svartsengi resumed, indicating ongoing magma accumulation. The ground uplift has been steady since then, but the rate is slower than what was observed between the previous events. The aviation color code is changed to yellow for the time being and it will be revised as soon as the activity in the area will start escalating again.

Cloud height:
No eruption ongoing.

Other cloud information:
No eruption ongoing.

The latest hazard map is accessible here: https://en.vedur.is/volcanoes/fagradalsfjall-eruption/hazard-map/ The latest news is accessible here: https://en.vedur.is/about-imo/news/volcanic-unrest-grindavik

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