NOrdic Network on Adaptive Management in relation to climate change
About the project

The idea behind this network is that it aims at the strengthening of the Nordic research capacity and at orienting (also) at societal research needs, notably with respect to the preparation and implementation of adaptation policies in public and private organizations.
These aims are pursued by means of various sets of activities. The aim is to engage associate (research) partners and other stakeholders that fulfill at least one and preferably several of the criteria regarding Nordic relevance, such as proximity, common natural environment, institutionalised shared responsibilities, and similar values and ways of governance. Obviously a general prerequisite is excellence in the identified themes / dimensions.
The network proposed in this project intends to enhance by means of its networking facilities:
- the methodological development regarding adaptation assessment with special reference to (common) needs in Nordic countries
- the actual application and testing of these methods in co-operation with sector stakeholders in Nordic countries, while using regionalized climate change projections and natural impact assessments
- the prime theme area is: risk management and decision support with respect to adaptation policy development and related investments, notably regarding infrastructures of various kinds (energy, transport, water & sanitation, communication) and the overarching planning and management systems that create the context in which these systems are designed and operated (urban and coastal zone management e.g. planning and disaster prevention & -relief and rescue)
- comparability and useful standardization of methods with the aim to speed up uptake of these applications and learning from these applications across the Nordic countries and in order to develop a Nordic framework for adaptive management
- the development of academic and professional education in Nordic countries needed to support the development and use of these methodologies
Duration of the project
April 2010 - February 2013
NordForsk / TRI Network initiative on Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change
Project activities
Three main events will take place during the project's duration:
- 26-27 August 2010, Iceland: Multidisciplinary Workshop on Risk Assessment and Stakeholder Involvement
- Summer 2011, Denmark: PhD summer school
- September 2012, Finland: Concluding conference