Overview of Earthquake activity

Earthquake activity throughout the country is described in a weekly summary that is written by a Natural Hazard Specialist. The weekly summary is published on the web every Tuesday. It covers the activity of the previous week in all seismic areas and volcanic systems in the country. If earthquake swarms are ongoing or significant events such as larger earthquakes have occurred during the week, they are specifically discussed. 

Weekly overview

Weekly Overview 20. - 26. November 2023 (Week 47)

Approximately 4800 earthquakes were measured this week, and of those, about 600 have been manually reviewed. Seismic activity is still ongoing at the Reykjanes Peninsula due to the dike intrusion that formed on November 10th, north of Grindavík. However, seismic activity and the inflow related to the intrusion are gradually decreasing. The uplift that began again near Svartsengi after the intrusion started has continued, and rising about 18 cm at a GNSS station in Skipastígshraun. However, following the formation of the intrusion on November 10th, the station subsided by roughly 40 cm. More information about the volcanic unrest near Grindavík can be found in a regularly updated news on the front page.

The largest earthquake of the week was M3.4 and occurred near Húsmúli in Hengill, where a swarm of earthquakes was measured from November 24th to 26th, in total around 160 earthquakes.

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