Ice subsidence above eastern Skaftá cauldron
Jökulhlaup - the largest to have occurred
This graph shows the ice-surface lowering (subsidence) of the eastern Skaftá ice-cauldron in Vatnajökull ice cap in October 2015. Vertical displacement (m) was monitored by near real time presentation of data from a GPS station, mounted in the middle of the cauldron. The maximum elevation above sea level, top left (hæð), refers to the zero value on the y-axis; while such value top right shows the current position of the station (m a.s.l.).
The graph (enlarge) was published 26 Sept. Now it shows the subsidence from 28 Sept until 4 Oct 2015. The total lowering of the ice-surface is shown by the value above the photograph (Heildarsig).
The red line shows the median value of relative displacement for every 30 minutes. This presentation was possible throughout the event because the subsidence did not disrupt the line-of-sight for the radio link.

These measurements are funded by FutureVolc and the research funds of the National Power Company of Iceland and of the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. The project is run by the Icelandic Met Office with support from the Icelandic Coast Guard, the University of Iceland and the Civil Protection department of the NCIP.