Low level flight conditions over Iceland
OUTLOOK 1700 - 2300 GMT.
Winds/temperature at significant levels:
FL050: 080/05-20KT, but 080/25-50KT in the NW, -02
FL100: 140/10-20KT, but 070/20-40KT in the NW, -09
FL180: 130/20-35KT, but becoming 080/05-15KT, -26
Overview of weather systems:
700 km SSW of Reykjanes is an extensive 949 mb low moving NE.
Near surface winds:
NE wind, 05-20KT, but 20-40KT over Westfjords with gust up to 55KT.
Cloud heights/visibility/weather:
BKN/OVC at 0500-2500 FT with rain/sleet with limited or poor visitility, slowly improving in the SW. Tops ABV 20.000 FT.
Visual flight conditions in Iceland:
Freezing level:
Widely 2000-4000FT, but at or near SFC inland.
Atmospheric or cloud icing:
Widely LGT, but MOD in the NW.
Other information: