Main Icelandic volcanoes

Icelandic volcanoes

Volcanic activity in Iceland can be a complicated phenomena. The concept of a volcanic system is basically an attempt of geologists to simplify what is involved. Volcanic system consists of a central volcano and/or fissure swarms which extend out from a volcano. As a general rule, volcanic system is named after the central volcano.

Click on the tabs on the left and you will find information on Iceland's primary volcanoes; general information about the volcano, recent eruption(s), and information on the monitoring. Note that real-time monitoring data has not been reviewed.

  • Seismicity
  • Webcams
  • Gas
  • GPS
  • Gauging stations

The Icelandic Meteorological Office does not accept responsibility for the usage and interpretation of data published on this web-site.

Kindly study Terms and conditions which apply to the usage of data, published on the Icelandic Meteorological Office's web-site.


Craters of Laki, September 2002. Photo: Oddur Sigurðsson.

Main Icelandic volcanoes

Icelandic volcanoes

Volcanic activity in Iceland can be a complicated phenomena. The concept of a volcanic system is basically an attempt of geologists to simplify what is involved. Volcanic system consists of a central volcano and/or fissure swarms which extend out from a volcano. As a general rule, volcanic system is named after the central volcano.

Click on the tabs on the left and you will find information on Iceland's primary volcanoes; general information about the volcano, recent eruption(s), and information on the monitoring. Note that real-time monitoring data has not been reviewed.

  • Seismicity
  • Webcams
  • Gas
  • GPS
  • Gauging stations

The Icelandic Meteorological Office does not accept responsibility for the usage and interpretation of data published on this web-site.

Kindly study Terms and conditions which apply to the usage of data, published on the Icelandic Meteorological Office's web-site.


Craters of Laki, September 2002. Photo: Oddur Sigurðsson.

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