The weather in Iceland 2013
A short version
The weather in Iceland in 2013 was mainly favourable, however, the spring was harsh in the North and East and the summer was on the dull side in the South and West, with precipitation and cloudiness above average. This was the dullest summer of the new century in this area of the country.
The temperature was unusually high during the first two months but for the rest of the year it was closer to the 1961 - 1990 average, relatively coldest in April when persistent snow cover caused problems in the agriculture in the Northeast. An unusually severe but short cold spell hit during the last days of April and the first days of May and resulted in new May minimum temperature records both for the country as a whole and the inhabited areas as well.
June was very warm in the Northeast and East, but the southern part of the country was beset with clouds and drizzle. In July the gloom continued in the South but it was warm in the Northeast. The last third of the month was warm in most areas and a new maximum temperature record for the highland (more than 450 meters above sea level) was established. The dull weather continued in the South and West during August, but the weather was better in the North and East. Most of September was cold and changeable. In the middle of the month the North and Northeast was hit by an unseasonably early snowstorm which caused livestock loss and infrastructure disruptions.
October was unusually dry in the West, winds were light and there was almost no snow. November was windy and difficult – the first half was cold but a very warm period reigned during the last week or so. December was bad, a severe cold spell hit in the first third and the weather around Christmas was stormy with snow and disruptions in traffic were common.
Climate summary
A detailed annual overview for Iceland in 2013 of temperature, precipitation, snow, bright sunshine, sea level pressure, wind speed and wind direction is now available, including a short description of each individual month.