Warning due to a strong gale
Gale, snow and blowing snow in Iceland
Tomorrow, 1st December, a frontal system passes from southwest to northeast over Iceland. The front passes the SW-part of Iceland early tomorrow morning, with increasing winds and precipitation in the East tomorrow afternoon. As a result, travelling- and road conditions will be poor.
The southwest and the capital area
Forecast: Increasing easterly winds tonight. Early tomorrow morning, decreased visibility due to blowing snow can be expected, both in the capital region as well as en route to the KEF airport. Before noon, winds increase with large amounts of snowfall. Tomorrow afternoon, between 15 and 18 UTC, winds turn to southwest with snowshowers.
Eastern Iceland
Forecast: Increasing winds and precipitation are expected in the eastern part of Iceland tomorrow afternoon, with deteriorating travel conditions.
Helga Ívarsdóttir
Elin Björk Jónasdóttir
Þorsteinn V. Jónsson