Uplift signal detected in Askja volcano
GPS observations and ground deformation maps derived from Sentinel-1 satellite data reveal that Askja volcano began inflating at the beginning of August 2021. The uplift signal is centered on the western edge of Öskjuvatn, close to Ólafsgígar, and corresponds to ~5 cm/month of vertical motion. Geodetic modelling (performed using both GPS and satellite data) indicates that the source of this inflation is located at a depth of approximately 3 km and corresponds to a volume change of approximately 0.001 km³/month.
The cause of such inflation is uncertain,
but most likely it is due to the inflow of new magma. Askja volcano is
seismically active and earthquakes are regularly measured in the area.
The last eruption at Askja was in 1961.
Regular geodetic measurements were done in 1970-1972 and showed a period of
uplift, however no further measurements were acquired until 1983. Since then, a
continued subsidence of a rate of 1 cm/year was detected until this current
inflation phase started.
Active volcanoes in Iceland are often
characterized by periods of inactivity, lasting years to decades, with
intervals of enhanced seismicity, geothermal activity, and inflation. In most
cases, magmatic intrusions do not culminate into an eruption. At this stage it
is then very difficult to anticipate how the situation will evolve. The
inflation is continuing at present (3. Sept 2021) and will be closely monitored
by IMO which will distribute additional information in case of further changes.
More information about Askja volcano is available at icelandicvolcanos.is
Data from the GPS station OLAC (location shown in the InSAR image), for the North, East and Up components over the period 27 July – 2 September 2021. The station, which is located close to the center of the inflating area, shows that the uplift started between the end of July and beginning of August (mainly visible in the Up component) and it is still ongoing (2. Sept 2021). The dashed red line indicates the rise speed that is assessed to be ~5 cm /month.